The largest
Rural livestock marketing association in the country.

Since its foundation in 1998 by eleven Carinthian cattle production sites, Kärntner Fleisch has been connecting its farmers with the market. Kärntner Fleisch fulfils many tasks for its farmers, some of which are bundling their offers, finding the optimal outlet market, ensuring price stability as well as putting transparent, quality-oriented prices on the meat market.
Additionally, Kärntner Fleisch assists its producers of brand-name meat in the fields of operational optimisation, quality enhancement and the occupation of market niches with meat trade. The company operates very future-oriented, sustainable and supports the Carinthian agriculture.

That pays off
Professional livestock marketing

Kärntner Fleisch is the largest turntable for professional livestock marketing as well as meat stock marketing in Carinthia. The corporation focuses on the marketing of cattle, calf, pig and piglet as well as on sheep and lamb. As the leading rural direct marketer in Carinthia, approximately 35.000 piglets, 40.000 pigs, 41.000 cattle and calves are sold by Kärntner Fleisch. Even the remotest regions can be reached by the company’s efficient fleet of vehicles. The well-developed logistical concept ensures ideal transportation and short-distance routes.
In meat marketing

Besides livestock marketing, meat marketing is the company’s second mainstay. At the company’s meat stores in Klagenfurt, St. Veit and Wolfsberg Carinthian meat is directly sold to end customers, butchers, restaurants, bulk consumers on the national market as well as wholesalers and supermarket chains in northern Italy. The meat trade in Carinthia is enormous and an important factor for the country’s economy.